私の鎖骨 -first.
14:42The rapidly strokes above means: My Collarbone in Japanese and yes people, I Google translated that. This would make no sense, but so does Alice's world that she said she'd make if she had a world of her own.
My friend once told me that someone actually told her that the girl in class that he has no clue about is: me. Which, clearly, got me surprised and a little betrayed. I don't even know where that feeling came, but I just felt betrayed. Somehow, the nervous systems and the thousand cells in my body decided to make me feel embarrassed of it, make me feel annoyed and betrayed.
I guess this just really made me feel like a... what do you call it? Oh yeah, a fucking embarrassing loser. But no offense, it is nobody's fault. It's mine, I should be more careful with myself.
Anyways, I am preparing myself for a load of shit: writing, parting away with friends, seeing my brother going to College, hoping for vacation in Oman, looking for scholarship, etc.
Wish me luck! Except luck is for suckers, so wish me blesses.
Lol, Zee.