Parts of my figment #1
23:51The stars look different tonight. And I am here.
I am here. Those three words contain all that can be said – you begin with those words and you return to them. Here means on this earth, on this continent and no other, in this city and no other, and in this epoch I call mine, this century, this year. I was given no other place, no other time, and I touch my desk to defend myself against the feeling that my own body is transient. This is all very fundamental, but after all, the science of life depends on the gradual discovery of fundamental truths.
[...] I am here – and everyone is in some “here” – and the only thing we can do is try to communicate with one another. —Czeslaw Milosz, from My Intention
We sit next to each other on a rooftop, or maybe on the beach, where everything is beautiful and nothing hurt. I see you, lingering in some here. Because the state of our own existing those that are transient, is indefinite, and you deny being a part of the indefinite transient, thus you linger in some here. You are latching onto the sands of the beach, or onto the solid ground of the rooftop. And you see me, everything collapses.