Mushy Tofu Community!


I think it's time to officially introduce you to my most beloved group of people, the Mushy Tofu Community! Which is just a fake name to cover the real identity of our group name.

p.s. I'll give you a hint: the original name is the exact same thing except in Indonesian language :) Oh and, if you've read my previous posts I'm pretty sure you'll know what the group name is.

K.T.B. (there, I said it) is a group thing that has been made since 2 years ago, when two very weird/boho dudes came to our school to present their community of photography AND to attract us uninspired students to join the Photography Club. 

The first day of collecting the students that actually ticked for Photography Club was kinda cool 'cos there were lots of 'em. But on the next meeting, we only end up to 4 students that are good in photography plus me who isn't good in photography at all. There were 5 female students: Me (Zahra or Zee, whichever you'd like to call me) Putri (who is in my class, and who is technically a photography freak), Raissa (who is also in my class, my very close friend who creeps me out on a daily basis and one of the reasons I joined this club.), Salsa K (who is an 'adek kelas' that is, I admit, more mature than me, cooler than me and more independent than me plus very good in photography) and last but not least Nadia (who is a 'kakak kelas' that looks Chinese but isn't Chinese and who is very very good in photography, she is one of the official Photography geek including Putri and **).

For about a year, [2012-2013] we spent Photography Club learning the history of it, which is the Pinhole Camera. And the next academic school year, [2013-2014] we gained one newbie who has a very kawaii hair (shaped like a mushroom) and a very fancy name: M. Fachrurozy Alfirdaus. He likes to be called El. This guy El likes Photography and this guy El is good in it. We also gained another newbie named Nauval Nurdin that we call Udin. He quit halfway. 

*Bonus story: one time we hang out together to go photo hunting, we sort of gained a new dude too. He's not from our school, he's El's friend called Yusril. I'm pretty sure he came with El to accompany him photo hunting. He's also very good in Photography.*

Let's just all take a moment to assume that everyone in K.T.B. is good and interested in Photography but me.

In the second semester of the last school academic year, Raissa stopped Photography because she needed the time to study the National Exam. (I didn't, which can also explain the horrifying score I got for UN bhahahaha)

Moving on, we studied about Photography through a DSLR camera: studying the basics, the techniques, the settings, and different ways on shooting pictures. And on the way, we gained three newbies which three of them are in the exact same class. They are: Farah (who is interested in Photography), Idan (who I don't really know why he joined, maybe he likes photography) and Fadel (who is just like Putri, El, Salsa and Nadia aka Photography geek -and a very smart one I'll admit). 

Right now, the originals of K.T.B. has all moved school/quit Photography Club due to time and school. Raissa will be going to a school in Solo, Putri said she'll be moving to Aussie, Nadia is far away in Japan and Salsa quit Photography because she needs to study for the National Exam held this year (for her 'angkatan'). Which leaves me alone, still in the same school and still going to join Photography Club, I believe. 

El said he may still be joining Photography, Farah I have no idea, Idan is still joining and so is Fadel. 

We're going to gain more students this year, I think. Which is kinda cool and scary at the same time. 

Basically, that's all that is there for K.T.B. history, oh and, the reason why we actually named our group K.T.B. Is because we didn't want the same name as our teacher's community (correct me if I'm wrong guys) and we were talking about tofu back then with Ka Rieky and Ka Ashben (don't ask how we got there) and then Raissa pops out her crazy yet funny idea on naming our community K.T.B. and the five of us laughed and agreed.

And that is how we got the name :)

Thanks for reading. Have a great Ramadhan/Holiday/Day.

(Read: K.T.B. = Komunitas Tahu Benyek)

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