

Film-making, what's so interesting about it?

I've been a big fan of movies since I was a young idiotic child, and the older I get and with broader knowledge upon the cinematic world, the more I realised that my passion was growing and I had to take care of it regularly.

So I began making videos. My first video was in December 2013, it's still up on YouTube and I'm not planning to delete it, even if it was embarrassingly childish. And then I started improving from there, and I think that's what I like most about editing films. Everything improves. With good directing and good video qualities, of course.

But the question was, what's so interesting about film-making? Well, to me, it's mostly because it savours memories and sugar coat it in a beautiful way. You will always remember the little details too, which is even wonderful. It all draws back to when I discovered the family's really old compact cameras (we had a dozen of them), and played back all the videos from the memory card. It made me remember, it made me laugh even if I was alone, and it arose connection between me and my far-fetched memory. Which helped me a lot. And I liked that, so I decided to keep doing what helped me in which I was passionate about. It feels like magic sometimes.

My purpose of making and editing films is merely to (with Allah's permission) please myself and vibrate positive vibes to whomever watches it. Thus when you check out my YouTube channel, I hope you will be content.

Speaking of videos, I'm uploading one soon, I hope you'll keep in touch with my YouTube channel, it's

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