March ଘ( •⌄• )━☆゚.*・。゚


This is it. No one ruins my March for me.

Hello there, my name is Zee and I have been waiting for my new video to upload for 72 hours now. I actually had it going until 75% but then I had to restart the whole upload because safari broke down...

Today is my friend's 16th birthday, and speaking about birthdays, I have mine coming soon and yes, I will be turning 16 years old too! By the 27th of March sunrise, I am no longer 15 years old.

Birthdays are never bizarre to me, I never celebrate it (except for when I turned 5) and my parents never find significance upon it, therefore I don't usually really care. But somehow, I find myself wanting my 16th to be a good birthday. Because I haven't experienced a recognised birthday for 3 years now and I want to know how it feels to have butterflies roaming in my tummy again when people actually make my birthday my birthday.

Though it would be wonderful to have a well spent birthday, I hope I will still be perfectly fine if nothing much happened. Once my brother asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I told him: flowers. And I didn't mind if it was from my parents or a friend, I really did just want flowers. But he said I would get it when I was seventeen so I said "okay then". And recently he asked me again, and so I told him "polaroid films with cute patterns" and he said he'd rather kept his money for himself.

So, enough about birthdays, I am here to convey to you a great message from The Happiness Project book. Gretchen Rubin said, "One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; one of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself." and it's right, I feel it sometimes. Seeing people happy because of me, entertains my soul and I somehow like life better when we (i.e. friends and family) are laughing.

I hope you have a pleasant March!


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