To Navy Blue


"How is it that you never noticed?" 

When a certain person "leaves" you, you receive a scar on the inside of your chest, a strong and noticeable line that demands to be felt. Eventually time would heal the wound. But then looking at the sky reminds you of them, and a memory kicks it, and you bleed again. That, that is what I feel when I remember you, sometimes. Disgusting, I know.

Because for a long time you blinded me with comfort and a belonging, claiming that I was right for you.  As a person who's never felt being "wanted", I accepted and desired your presence almost wholly. And though we never were together, it felt so real. My feelings for you were so vivid, I could start fires with what I felt for you. But like how this place was designed to break our hearts, you were designed to break mine and I was designed to break yours. And we were both designed so very aesthetically that we never realize we were meant to break each others' hearts.

"You were almost mine, and almost fucking breaks my heart constantly."

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  1. Replies
    1. iya, but that's ok. i'm thankful for what happened

      let it be a lesson :)


Squared Moments

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