
So yeah hey guys what is up? I'm at school, supposed to be doing my homework you know me laah, a good blogger for her lovely pageviewers. LOL. Oh and I jotted down the top 5 people I hate and yeah here they are:

  1. "COPYCATS" A.K.A. People who copies your awesome things, writings, clothes, sayings and stuff. It annoys me like hell when people copy me that I once blocked the person and yeah said nasty stuff. Oh and when you copy me, don't worry you ain't goin' anywhere. Just your life.
  2. "ATTENTION SEEKER" You know, those people who are total annoying, those people who seek for attention in front of other people, those so annoying damn people... they totally need to get their face wiped out, with a white-out and sticky glue. 
  3. "DERPY KINDNESS" Okay, this one I made the name myself. It means when I'm mad, or not in the mood for anything someone acts nice and try to make me okay. And I'm like, "Oh just leave me alone would you?" I mean seriously, you wouldn't want to see me mad, because when I do I'm not me, I'm scary as hell oh and be careful, I do let out very mean words and they can kill you.
  4. "SHOW OFF MANIAC" These kind of people are such losers I mean, they have nothing to do in their life anymore so they show off their stuffs, or what incident happened between him or her with a special somebody. It totally bugs me out like asdfghjkl... "Oh that's a way double wow. Should I call a reporter to let everyone in the whole world to know? Or should I put it in a video and upload it in youtube so that more people like and subscribe? Or should I tell every single person I know? Oh wait, I know! I should make a damn speech about it! Or should I pin it on the information board? To make sure everyone know how amazing it felt? That's awesome you know? Double Triples of wowie W-O-W for you kid" That is what I feel inside when people start showing off. Oh and they're attention seeker too, because then people start asking 'em what happened and some other things.
  5. "CORNISH LOSER" I totally made this one up, this means, those people when they do something bad to somebody but feels guilty so they cry. I MEAN, YOU'RE SO FREAKING LEBAY MAN! For those who don't know what "Lebay" means, you're total loser. #ProudIndonesian I mean, they keep on repeating the bad thing they did and you know laaah, can't accept the truth. It's like as if they're total innocent. You know stuff like that!
So yeah, I'm finally done and I haven't done my homework at all. So yeah, I AM continuing my story and I will be posting the top 5 kind of people I like. Goodbye dearest friend whoever is reading this. I REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU DON'T TURN INTO ANY OF THESE PEOPLE JUST TO BUG ME OUT. THANKYOU, YOU'RE KIND! Sweet dreams for me. Bye :)

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