

“The people that means most 

to me are the ones who make great impacts on my feelings.

I've lived through horrors, devils' doings, heartaches, and humans, so try to understand that I'm not exaggerating. I don't care about a lot of things, I am unconscious towards people's thoughts, but if you ever decided to enter my life, please, fucking understand that I have had severe depression and was extremely suicidal. And no, these things aren't simple pains where you can get the medicines in a nearby drugstore. There is never medicine.

I hope you too understand that I am one of those assholes who gives up on people easily. The thing is, I have no hopes towards any of you humans out there anymore. I don't trust anyone and I don't feel safe anywhere.

Don't worry though, I find it better to be for I am a much happier person today (I think).”

-Things I write when I'm tired and mad

This fucking night made me think of you again and I hate remembering your existence.

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A concept
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